From Liseanne (Liz); Resident Artist: I need to apologize to my college professor of Geology 101 – I did indeed need his studies later in life. I had to take his course – twice. It was supposed to be the “easy” science course to take to check off that core science module for my BS in Communications. Easy – right? NOT. This professor was a trooper, a sweet man – that clearly understood I was more interested in the latest novel or best dance track just released. Geology – the study of rocks.
I clearly remember on a particular field study day when he and I sat on a rock together watching the first year students. They were taking their notes (I didn’t need to take the notes again – I had last semesters notes!). He patted that large rock gently… and said “just think about how long this stone has been here.” He was right; it was fascinating and as a result – that semester I buckled down and got my… C+.
Cut to today, now some (cough) years later, I work with rocks, stones, boulders, pebbles of all sorts – every day. Of all ages! Sandstone – amazing. Onyx – divine. Boulders – stunning. Geode slices – gorgeous. Now on the daily… I evaluate textures, Mohs scale of hardness, compression rating, porous surface, smoothness, density levels – all before designing the art and how each stone will accept this permanent mark. Soooooo professor, the joke was definitely on me.
Oakley, our Master Craftsman is always trying to teach me more about geology. His passion for rocks, their history, and why they’re where they are is inspiring.
Find more general information about Geology in Arizona here and who knows, maybe you’ll learn something beyond Geology 101.